The Third-party Application Maintenance for the externalization of your information system
Transition phase
- Initialization of the prestation ;
- Setup of the knowledge transfer, from the global to the detail:Decomposition by theme:
- General information (domain, context of the IS) ;
- Functional know-how of the IS ;
- Technical know-how of the IS ;
- Environment knowledge (norms, methods, tools…)
- Capitalization of the documentation ;
- Setup of the logistic, the tools, the industrialization processes, the references ;
- Detailed planification of the transition ;
- Training ;
- Work under the clients management ;
- Ramp-up ;
- Writting of detailed procedures ;
- Finalization, Service and Quality definition (SLA) ;
- Required perimeter and service levels ;
- Evolution of the service levels adapted to the new needs ;
- Setup of bonus-malus (if necessary).
- (Missing content) : ‘Infogérance’, ‘Infogérance informatique’, ’Maintenance préventive’, ‘Maintenance curative’, ‘Maintenance améliorative’, ‘Maintenance corrective’.
The REACTIS Group operates TAMs in various technical environment integrating specific tools as well as technologies from client-server to state-of-the art technologies.
Service control phase
Ensure that the REACTIS Group team is able to provide the service:
- Verification that the knowledge transfer targets have been reached ;
- Verification of the procedures ;
- The work done by the REACTIS Group team is always verified by the client ;
- Execution conditions as close as possible to the target situation ;
- Adjusting the SQP and the detailed procedures (if necessary)
Continuous service phase
- Continuous evaluation and regular improvement of the service quality
- Service brought by the REACTIS Group under its responsibility, in respect of its contractual commitment. Application of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) ;
- Traceability of the events, quality insurance, reports, KPIs and dashboards (SLA). Detailed reporting to the client in the frame of steering commitees ;
- Skills management ;
- Proactivity thanks to the know-how and experiences of the REACTIS Group in the domains of engineering, integration, exploitation and managed services ;
- Support on the client strategic challenges.
The REACTIS Group operates Third-Party Application Maintenances (TAM) according to the constraints and the needs of the clients within different models:
- On the clients site
- On the REACTIS Group site
- In a dedicated context
- In a mutalized context